>rank Variations: >r >level >l (Shows your level and EXP)
/run cmd=tupper extra1=(img url here) extra2=(name here) (This command creates a tupper. You can run it with a specified id after with "tupperrun")
>modmail Variations: >mm (Creates a ticket in the server. Automatically will get deleted after 24 hours to prevent channel flooding)
/run cmd=tupperrun extra1=(specified id here) (This command runs a tupper.)
>voice Variations: >v (Creates a voice channel in the server and moves you in it. Automatically will get deleted after theres no one in the VC to prevent channel flooding)
>lockv Variations: >lv (Locks your voice channel in the server. Remember that you need to run >voice before running this command!)
>unlockv Variations: >uv (Does the thing >lockv does but backwards. Again, remember that you need to run >voice before running this command!)
Dev/moderator commands
>tclose Variations: >tc (Closes the ticket.)
/run cmd=blacklist extra1=(word) (Adds a word to the blacklist database.)